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Keynote Marcel Aberle: Sports 2030: The Intersection of Technology, Health, and Sustainability
Marcel Aberle is a renowned trend and future researcher, keynote speaker, and strategy consultant with over 20 years of experience in innovation, trends, and future studies. He has a background in IT and has worked with global IT companies for over a decade.
In this keynote Marcel Aberle will provide deep insights into how sports can evolve in line with future trends. Drawing from his extensive background in technology, innovation, and sports, Aberle emphasizes several key megatrends that will shape the future of sports such as Digitalization, Health and Mindfulness, Sustainability and Urbanization and Mobility.
Marcel Aberle’s insights offer a comprehensive view of how sports can evolve in response to societal changes, making him a valuable speaker for those interested in the future of sports and its intersection with global trends. His experience and research provide actionable strategies for leveraging these trends to foster innovation and growth in the sports industry.
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