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Swimming Pools as a social meeting place: Best Practices for Public Pool Facilities
Public swimming pool facilities are a cornerstone of local community infrastructure. They provide affordable opportunities to learn life skills, exercise, and socialize, all of which contribute to supporting healthy communities. At the same time, they are deceptively challenging to build and operate. In this seminar, we will hear Dr. Stefan Kannewischer talk about the white paper from the IAKS Pool Expert Circle that offers advice on successful decision-making to get your public pool facility right. We will also hear Ernst Ulrich Tillmanns from 4a Architects, give some inspiring examples from Germany that target families staying longer in the pool facility than just for lap swimming.
With Dr. Stefan Kannewischer, President IAKS Worldwide and Ernst Ulrich Tillmanns, 4a architects.
Moderator: Jens Øyås Møller, IAKS Nordic.
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